Counselor Marketplace

A list of vetted mentors, consultants and tutors who can provide individualized application advice.

If you’re looking for one-on-one guidance about your university admissions process, select from quality counselors in the Scholist marketplace. We’ll suggest providers who are suited to your needs.

We’re in beta mode. Sign up for priority access to the counselor marketplace.
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us university admission consultants

What You'll Receive

If you're looking for one-on-one guidance about your university admissions process, select from quality counselors in the Scholist marketplace. We'll suggest providers who are suited to your needs.

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Personalized Lists

A list of best-fit universities created just for you.

Tell us what you’re looking for in an ideal university and we’ll generate your “Scholist 15” list of target, reach and safety universities. Your list is based on your academic history and preferences.

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Peer Groups

Looking for regular, guided sessions with an expert instructor?

Join a group of six similar students working towards the same goal, Get real-time feedback via Slack and access to preparation tools.

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